Pilates to Move Better Every Day

This is a slower-paced Pilates class which is a mix of functional Pilates exercises and my Move Better Everyday (MBE) workshops. Floor-work is optional and everyone is encouraged to work at their own level.

My MBE classes and workshops are designed to bridge the gap between a full-on exercise class and simply moving around in everyday life. My goals are

  • to help you move with more vitality and energy

  • to improve your mobility and balance which will reduce muscle aches and joint pain, because you will be moving more efficiently

  • to build strength and coordination for everyday movements which will in turn, transform your body language and mood

  • to guide you towards physical autonomy

My YouTube channel has a series of MBE Workshops in which we look at movement patterns, exercises and stretches. They are not exercise classes, they are a guided exploration of how to move your body more freely and efficiently, every single day. You will find them on this link: My Goals for my Move Better Everyday Workshops

“Attending Mandy’s Pilates classes keeps my body working better and helps me stay healthier – physically and mentally. The class each week is stimulating, relaxing, fun (!) and is my time for me. I always leave feeling better – even if I have arrived at class feeling stressed, tired and wound up, I leave feeling calmer, happier, healthier and just better. Fabulous!” ~ Cindy