Active Back Care (ABC) Workshops

Is back pain ruling your life?
Are you frustrated by constant back issues?

Then take back control and join me for my Active Back Care (ABC) Workshop

The next date TBC
Venue TBC
£40 per person

I’ve worked in the Health & Fitness industry for nearly 40 years and it is rare when I meet a new client who has never had an issue with back pain. It seems to be something that happens to us all at some point, but the good news is that you can help yourself by retraining your movement patterns and improving your posture.  

My goal in my ABC Workshops is to give you the tools to achieve and maintain good posture as well as a flexible, strong spine. This will help you to move your body freely and efficiently without fear of pain and injury, so that you are able to do the things you love to do and/or need to do every day.

The focus is on functional movements for everyday life with improved posture.

ABC is for people who suffer from chronic back pain, who want to regain control of their movement patterns, and their life!

It is for anyone who has an ‘active’ hobby or a physical job, as well as those in sedentary jobs, and for those of us who enjoy walking the dog, playing with the kids/grandkids, doing some gardening/housework, DIY - in fact - absolutely everyone.

We will look at your posture and your everyday movement patterns/habits and explore the areas which are preventing you from achieving good posture, such as a lack of mobility in the thoracic (ribcage) spine, the shoulder, the hip, or maybe it is a lack of glute (buttock) strength and pelvic stability. I will show you exercises that you can do to strengthen the weak areas, stretch the tight areas, and improve your posture and movement habits overall so that you regain your confidence in your body. You will have a handout of the notes and exercises from the workshop so that you can recap in your own time.

My YouTube Channel has a series of videos which are all relevant to Active Back Care. You will find the link here Active Back Care Playlist

Here’s some feedback from previous ABC Workshops:

  • “To learn new exercises to improve low back pain & to improve my bad posture”

    “Further knowledge, encouragement, motivation to achieve good posture, a strong core & general flexibility”

    “How to protect my back”

    “Understanding how to alleviate/lessen back pain & learn what triggers it” 

    “Improve posture”

    “Exercises to help build core strength so I can play Violin with less pain”

    “Guidance on exercises I can do to ease back pain especially given long hours driving and travelling”

    “To manage my back pain better & decide on future exercise plan”

    “The know-how for prevention for lower back pain”

    “Trying to work towards having good posture on a daily basis - to help my problems with my neck and upper back, & my mobility”

  • “All of it!”

    “Focus on correct execution of the various movements. Incentive to actually do the exercises rather than just thinking about it”

    “Running through all the exercises & focusing on the right areas”

    “Enjoyed all the exercises”

    “The variety & being part of a small group”

  • “Great instruction & approach. Many thanks”

    “Very informative, excellent workshop”

    “All very enjoyable & learnt a lot. Definitely made me think about adding Pilates to my exercise plan”

    “Mandy – thank you! Very helpful, very informative”

    “Brilliant – Thank you”

Terms & Conditions: There will be limited spaces, so that I can work with people individually. Payment is to be made at the time of booking. There will not be space available on the day. 72 hours’ notice of cancellation is required for a full refund.